Hello world!

Hi there: If you have landed here, great! 🙂
My blog is a little of everything:
photography, places I’ve been, movies I’ve seen (& recommend), random funny
things, books I’ve read, things to gather inspiration from, quotes I’ve found compelling, and a spot for good times had with old friends.
Hopefully what you see will leave you with a smile on your face, as my main
goal is simply to inspire & share some laughs through my experiences &
Couple notes:
– My calendar starts on a Monday
– The links at the top will help guide you through the categories along the
right.. or jump right in
– I post sporadically: as I have time and as I am inspired
– I built this blog in Chrome.. so I guess optimal viewing would beg that
– Always a work in process (in Accounting terms, a “WIP!”)
I hope you enjoy your visit & thanks again for coming 🙂

Buying and Selling

Achieving success in life has a lot more to do with how you define being successful than it does with doing what others tell you to do.

So long as people buy what someone is putting out regarding “becoming successful,” then the salesman wins and gets money in their pocket.  Does the salesman ultimately care if their method works for others?
So long as their end goal is met, they probably couldn’t care less because they are busy with the next sale.  This is to be read “they don’t have time to care,” aside from the caring that builds their business.

The definition of success is defined by each individual, and those who are being “sold” are supporting someone else’s dream and therefore, (monetary) success.  There are no definite “X Steps To Success,” and whoever buys into it, is being sold; The seller wins.

So long as one believes these things to be the “key” to success, it is self-evident that another person’s life is being idolized vs creating one’s own definition of it, and thereby not living one’s own.  Until you truly understand and believe that you are your ownwhy,” you are fooling yourself and will suffer needlessly (and others as a result).  Let’s add here that no one’s life is perfect, nor would salespeople be willing to show off the true “behind the scenes” footage, so to speak.  They sell.  Successful selling only exists if the true cost is not shown.  Right?

“The biggest breakthroughs come from outsiders—people who have no career or prestige, people like Einstein—who look at the current assumptions and simply say, ‘What if this wasn’t true? What could be a better explanation?'”

Granted, I doubt Einstein’s main goal was chasing paper or fame, but look at where he is today!

Be your own “why.”

Keep pursuing that which makes one happiest, the rest falls into place as it should.




Becoming AI


Yesterday, May 7, 2020, Elon Musk explained a few things that are about to revolutionize our brains to correct ailments in our bodies from Alzheimer’s to epilepsy, to stupidity (literally), in the next year or two.

Oh, and to telepathically interact with others – but that’s a little later, in roughly ten years.

Two hours is a long time IF you aren’t bored, but once you dive into this amount of intelligence, it is painfully difficult to stop listening and taking in all that his genius robotic mind has to offer for us in our lifetime.

Only watch if you are prepared to scrape your mouth off the floor and clean your own brain matter off the walls, because this will indeed blow your mind.
Multiple times.

Stop the Thought

Dab the Sky

Master Remake


Loves Me Lot




Despite being an advertisement, this is a beautiful message from the older and wiser ❤

You’re Mine

The Just Cause




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